Monday Jul 01, 2024
Removing the Ego from Today’s Firefighter Training – Jesiah Newsome
Peter Matthews talks with Reading, PA, firefighter Jesiah Newsome about the importance of keeping training both motivational and inspiring, especially for younger firefighters. They also discuss how a big hurdle in today’s training is the ego of instructors, and how they can lead to negative experiences.
Newsome explains the need to create a positive learning environment from rookie school, throughout their career. He is also a deputy chief with the Blandon Fire Company in Berks County, PA, and both a state and national fire service, sharing his experiences from each role on this podcast.
He approaches the fire service with the manta, “You can either bitch about it, or fix it” and explains how you can move yourself and the department forward by ensuring you have the desire to learn, and help others strengthen their skillsets.
Newsome says those who aspire to have a meaningful career, whether volunteer and career, need to short- and long-term goals and offers insight into his goals to provide listeners with concepts they can adapt.