Wednesday Aug 14, 2024
Staying Motivated & Truck Company Leadership – Sean Eagen
Peter Matthews talks with Capt. Sean Eagen from the Buffalo, NY, Fire Department about his role as a company officer and commander, plus how today’s busy fire service can stay motivated through tough times. Eagen shares leadership advice and crew management ideas, including the ability to communicate with groups across multiple platforms.
Eagen, coming from a busy city in the urban rust belt of America, talks about the ways to keep firefighters motivated, despite equipment troubles, city politics and budgets and busy shifts. Despite the challenges, he reminds firefighters they signed up to do the job, no matter what the situation they face.
He shares tips on how to create training opportunities and pass along streets smarts, whether it’s 1 p.m. or 2 a.m., especially to help the large number of newer firefighters on the street engaged and educated.